There are of course many reasons a man might lose his hair. Some of the reasons can be attributed to genetics. For others, stress levels and other environmental factors are important. You need to consider your options no matter what the cause may be. So many options are available that can aide you in reducing your hair loss. Knowing is only half the battle. We will discuss a few bits of knowledge to help you deal with your hair loss in the following paragraphs. However, according to some studies, Saw Palmetto can help in this problem. In order to get the best results from treatment you need to know the cause first. Have you been working to lose weight lately? Have you been using dietary supplements to lose the weight? These have been shown to cause thinning and baldness especially in men. These medications are like poison to your scalp and will inhibit your hair growth. This is because, often, diet pills mess around with a person's hormone levels and when certain hormones drop, so does hair production. You should consult your physician at the first sign of hair loss.Another type of herb you should look into are Gymnema Sylvestre as these are really wonderful for you.
You may recognize the name Rogaine, this is another successful option for hair regrowth and hair loss treatment. Commercials for Rogaine have been around for around two decades now, if not longer (depending on where you live and when you watch most of your television programs). The second FDA approved method is this Rogaine. This hair growth treatment is done topically. You apply the product to your scalp and, eventually, your follicles will start growing hair again. If totally natural hair is what you are after, this is the product for you. The one drawback to Rogaine is that you can't just use it until the issue is resolved, you must continue use.
Stress has been proven to be a huge contributing factor in men's hair loss.
Better control of your personal stress is one of the most effective ways to manage hair loss in men. Getting those stress levels down to a managable level can also help you manage your anxiety over the loss of your hair. Learn some new relaxation techniques. Try to get a grasp of what causes your day to day stress and get it under control.
Managing your hair loss means putting it all into perspective. There are of course a multitude of ways to counteract the loss you have already experienced. Solve the initial problem before attempting to create a solution to the end result. Once you do this you have a good chance at regrowing that lost hair.